Pandemic school closures: risks and opportunities

08.04.2020 The Lancet
The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has swept across 210 countries and territories with over 1·2 million cases and 67 594 deaths reported by April 6, 2020. Most countries have implemented social distancing measures to curb the spread of infection and minimise the impact of the virus.

188 countries have implemented country-wide school closures, but a modelling study by Ferguson and colleagues concluded that in the UK, school closures alone will reduce COVID-19 deaths by only 2–4%. Most evidence for school closures has come from influenza outbreaks such as the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in which children were disproportionately affected. During that time, the US closed 700 schools but the response was local and only for a couple of weeks. To tackle COVID-19, Chinese schools have been closed for more than 2 months, and many countries have closed their schools and colleges indefinitely.

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